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The Future of Sales Is In Simplicity w/ Steve Piorro

Episode Summary

This week, I talked to Steve Piorro, the Director of Marketing at Naked Media about the future of sales. The pandemic has changed the landscape of the industry and we discussed some upcoming changes sales professionals should prepare for.

Episode Notes

This week, I talked to Steve Piorro, the Director of Marketing at Naked Media, about the future of sales. 

The pandemic has changed the industry's landscape, and we discussed some upcoming changes sales professionals should prepare for. We chatted about the significant shifts that have happened, why a strong CRM is essential to business, and the value of analyzing your metrics.

Steve has a lot of expertise and experience in the sales world, and he offered some great insights on how sales reps can make sure they stay on top of their game and consistently get higher close rates.

If you've been wondering how to navigate all of the recent changes and prepare for upcoming opportunities, be sure to tune into it. We're giving an insider's look to help guide your next steps!              

Key Takeaways:


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