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5 Mistakes That Are Ruining Your Sales Career

Episode Summary

It doesn't matter whether you're a seasoned sales rep or just a beginner - you will make mistakes. There are many skills that sales reps develop only with time and experience, but it's important to know there are also actions you may be doing that are costing you deals. In this episode of Close More, we're going to go over five common mistakes that may be ruining your sales career and why dealing with them properly can be the difference between you getting a nice commission check or going on weeks without getting paid.

Episode Notes

It doesn't matter whether you're a seasoned sales rep or just a beginner - you will make mistakes. There are many skills that sales reps develop only with time and experience, but it's important to know there are also actions you may be doing that are costing you deals. 

But don't panic just yet! After all, the sales process can be tricky to master. Most leads do not convert into a sale right away, which may tempt you to turn and burn with new leads but at the expense of neglecting your prospect pipeline. 

Or suppose you've gone through the prospecting process, you've qualified your clients, and you've provided some solutions for them.

But at the same time, you need to be able to serve them by qualifying and dealing with one need at a time. This is why failing to set up a follow-up system can drastically affect your ability to multitask and work with several leads at once.

So, how can you avoid making these mistakes?

In this episode of Close More, we're going to go over five common mistakes that may be ruining your sales career and why dealing with them properly can be the difference between you getting a nice commission check or going on weeks without getting paid.

Key Takeaways:


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